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The Embark Program
For masterful transitions

You feel uncertain about this new chapter, even though it is a welcome shift. Or maybe, you feel stuck in the middle of a transition you did not see coming. Take advantage of this opportunity to create an intentional plan for your future. Identify untapped potential and passion; carry your story, personality and style into a new phase; develop a strategy to forge a new path. See yourself with fresh eyes and put your uniqueness, experience, strengths and even challenges into a plan that works for you. Start today!


This program is available at three different levels.

Man Climbing Wall


Holding Plant


Business Plan



  • Six, one-hour group coaching sessions over a 90 day period


  • A small-group process with 6 to 8 people focused on navigating transitions, identifying the obstacles, and making a plan for advancement


  • Identify individual strengths, weaknesses and triggers


  • Uncover the next concrete steps to smooth your transition


  • DISC personality profile with complete 25 page report


  • Six, 60 minute coaching calls over two months


  • Thorough analysis of the DISC

  • Identify strengths, weaknesses and triggers


  • Clarify what’s important to you during this transition


  • Identify inconsistencies between your intentions and behaviors


  • Cultivate a strategy that moves you through this new season, with goals and time frames


  • Sixty days of unlimited email access to Michele

Note: Payments can be arranged for the DEVELOP and DETERMINE Programs. 


  • DISC personality profile with complete 25 page report


  • Ten, 60 minute coaching calls over three months


  • Thorough analysis of the DISC


  • Identify strengths, weaknesses and triggers


  • Clarify what’s important to you during this transition


  • Identify inconsistencies between your intentions and behaviors


  • Cultivate a strategy that moves you through this new season with goals and time frames


  • Provide clear and direct accountability


  • Refine your strategy by helping articulate what is missing


  • Identify and remove obstacles 


  • Ninety days of unlimited email access to Michele

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