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30-Minute Consultation
To take the first step toward a more fulfilling life.

When Confidence Wavers: The Imposter Among Us
"I'm a fraud." There's a thought that's crossed my mind more times than I care to admit. You've likely felt it too. You step into a room,...
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Navigating Career Transitions
Transitioning careers can be a daunting process. Whether you're seeking new challenges, pursuing a passion, or adapting to the changing...
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Anxiety and the Fast Pace of Change
I listened to a speaker a few weeks ago who said his father moved from East Texas to West Texas in a covered wagon. He participated in...
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Feeling Stressed? Give a Little
I visited my 3-year old niece. She read books to me like her dad does because she has a great memory. Also, she read books to me like her...
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Your Life is Driven by Something
Everyone’s life is driven by something. Thomas Carlyle said, “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” None of us want...
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The Essence of Hope
Hope. I hope this finds you doing well. I hope so. I hope to. . . There is something that hangs in the air when we use this word hope. It...
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You Can't Just Do It!
I’m caught in a cycle. Every morning I tell myself I’m going to accomplish THE THING. You know the one, the thing that I’ve been pushing...
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3 Secrets for Uncertain Times
On my 50 birthday I awoke jobless, homeless, alone for the first time in 30 years and able to say "I'm better than I should be." I was...
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3 Shifts to Wait Well
I crawled into Downtown Fort Worth at peak rush hour this morning. With this crawl, came two options: dread or hope. With the push of a...
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5 Ways to Reduce Stress
In March 2017, I took a life change index -- basically I measured my stress level by looking at major events in my life over the last 12...
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The Practice of Silence
Many decades ago I planned my day out — every 15 minutes. I was ecstatic about the fact that I knew what I would be doing every minute of...
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Sit in the Pain
Pain makes me stir crazy! I have been in a great deal of physical pain the last two weeks. Every waking minute I focus on how to get out...
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Feel Defeated by Change?
Junior High seemed daunting, too much, too different, too foreign. I didn’t want to go. I drilled my sister, a year ahead of me in...
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3 Strategies for Not Quitting
It keeps coming. I keep working on eliminating it and it keeps coming. First, I try something that worked before. Then, I try something...
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6 Steps to Short Sheet Anxiety
Short sheeting the bed is a favorite pastime of my extended family. Any family reunion is a guarantee someone’s bed will be short...
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Overwhelm - Don't Choose It
This all feels so overwhelming — anxiety, fear, stress, the unknown — it feels like too much some times. If you are like me, you are...
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5 Keys to Navigating Scary Times
His face looked like a marshmallow after the flames had been blown off of it. I stood by his hospital bed packing him in ice every few...
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Accept the Worst
I am a huge Olympic fan, or maybe an Olympic junkie. I absolutely love watching the athletes experience “the thrill of victory and the...
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