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30-Minute Consultation
To take the first step toward a more fulfilling life.

Seriously, Don't Make Me Play
I was born serious. My mother says I came out of the womb telling the doctor what to do. I love to read, research, and study while others...
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Beyond, an Awkward Place to Be
I find myself not belonging in all the familiar places. I’ve stretched beyond the boundaries of my family of origin, beyond my...
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From Doormat to Presidential Consultant
This Blog was originally published on When she looked in the mirror, she saw herself as an obedient daughter and a...
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5 Focal Points to Priceless Peace
In the Christmas season, there is much talk about peace — messages like: Peace on Earth; World Peace; May Your Year be Filled with Peace...
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You Can't Just Do It!
I’m caught in a cycle. Every morning I tell myself I’m going to accomplish THE THING. You know the one, the thing that I’ve been pushing...
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4 New Habits for Positive Self-Talk
50,000 times a day we talk to ourselves, according to researchers. Sadly, 80% of it is negative — I shouldn’t have said that . . . She...
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3 Secrets for Uncertain Times
On my 50 birthday I awoke jobless, homeless, alone for the first time in 30 years and able to say "I'm better than I should be." I was...
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Waiting on Affirmation? Take These Steps
"Please stop. That’s too much. I really can’t handle any more affirmation. Those powerful, positive statements you are making about me...
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3 Shifts to Wait Well
I crawled into Downtown Fort Worth at peak rush hour this morning. With this crawl, came two options: dread or hope. With the push of a...
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Own Your Story
We are all writing our own story — living our autobiographies. An author writing a novel starts with a rough idea, progresses to an...
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3 Decisions you Must Make
“I have participated in every bad decision I’ve ever made. I’ve talked myself out of exercising and into dessert. I’ve been present at...
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You are Not Like Her
The day the counselor suggested I was carrying around some shame, I protested, “That’s not even possible. I grew up in a healthy, solid,...
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Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Get More Points
The big lie: You have to have more points. This is the message we are always hearing, you need more — more money, more help, more time....
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The Simple Solution for Your Stress
Stress simply comes from not accepting the current moment, according to Oprah. I know what you are thinking, “That can’t be true! Stress...
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Stop the Production!
We live in a thoroughly edited and completely Photoshopped world. Everything we see and hear leaves us comparing ourselves to a cinema...
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Ditch The Rules
Rules. We all live by rules. Arrive at work on time. Stop at red lights. Wash your own dish. Rules make the world go round -- rules in...
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