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30-Minute Consultation
To take the first step toward a more fulfilling life.

Calmness: The Unsung Superpower of Humanity
In the relentless hustle and bustle of today's world, where the pace of life seems to accelerate with each passing moment, there exists a...
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Embracing Feedback: The Unspoken Superpower of Emerging Leaders
Let's talk about something that might make some of us squirm just a bit - feedback. Yes, I know, the word alone can send shivers down the...
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Seriously, Don't Make Me Play
I was born serious. My mother says I came out of the womb telling the doctor what to do. I love to read, research, and study while others...
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Running from FEAR?
Why are we always running from fear? I knew it was a ridiculous question when my mentor asked it — because the right response to fear is...
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The Remedy:Change your Thoughts
He’s miserable — hates himself and his life. It’s heartbreaking to watch. He doesn’t realize his behavior, habits, and even his mood are...
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Remedy for Burn Out
Americans stay on the hamster wheel of work, family, community responsibilities. We typically only rest at holidays (unless we are the...
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5 Principles of Self-Love
In February our world loves to focus on romantic love, when self-love seems to be the one thing that would impact our relationships, our...
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You Can't Just Do It!
I’m caught in a cycle. Every morning I tell myself I’m going to accomplish THE THING. You know the one, the thing that I’ve been pushing...
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4 New Habits for Positive Self-Talk
50,000 times a day we talk to ourselves, according to researchers. Sadly, 80% of it is negative — I shouldn’t have said that . . . She...
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Waiting on Affirmation? Take These Steps
"Please stop. That’s too much. I really can’t handle any more affirmation. Those powerful, positive statements you are making about me...
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3 Shifts to Wait Well
I crawled into Downtown Fort Worth at peak rush hour this morning. With this crawl, came two options: dread or hope. With the push of a...
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I'm Uncomfortable!
It’s been two years since I’ve walked into a yoga class. My muscles have formed a very tight union. Like most unions, they typically get...
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3 Decisions you Must Make
“I have participated in every bad decision I’ve ever made. I’ve talked myself out of exercising and into dessert. I’ve been present at...
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3 Things to Eliminate to Be Heard
Want to get smaller? Maybe around the waist but not necessarily in the conference room, a vital conversation, or your next presentation....
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Feel Defeated by Change?
Junior High seemed daunting, too much, too different, too foreign. I didn’t want to go. I drilled my sister, a year ahead of me in...
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It's Redirection, Not a Catastrophe
What if failure is not really failure at all, but redirection? When you walk through the parking lot and trip on the way to your car, do...
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Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Get More Points
The big lie: You have to have more points. This is the message we are always hearing, you need more — more money, more help, more time....
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3 Strategies for Not Quitting
It keeps coming. I keep working on eliminating it and it keeps coming. First, I try something that worked before. Then, I try something...
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Who's Responsible for this Emotion?
With her tongue in her check, she said, “Oh, I don’t need any more emotional maturity — in fact, I probably need to turn it down a...
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Failure Can Be the Best Option
In the middle of this stay-at-home order, I am attempting to do something I’ve never done before. It is frustrating. I’m not that good at...
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