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30-Minute Consultation
To take the first step toward a more fulfilling life.

It's Redirection, Not a Catastrophe
What if failure is not really failure at all, but redirection? When you walk through the parking lot and trip on the way to your car, do...

3 Steps to Becoming
When we find ourselves stuck and wondering what we need to do with our lives, careers, businesses, ideas, we might be asking the wrong...

You are Not Like Her
The day the counselor suggested I was carrying around some shame, I protested, “That’s not even possible. I grew up in a healthy, solid,...

I am not a good traveler — I’ve never been. At hour 10 on a 12 hour flight, I paced the aisles to try to calm my travel agitation. When...

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Get More Points
The big lie: You have to have more points. This is the message we are always hearing, you need more — more money, more help, more time....

You're Invited!
An embossed invitation on linen paper arrives at your door. You’ve been invited! You’re boss invites you and the team to his house for a...

3 Strategies for Not Quitting
It keeps coming. I keep working on eliminating it and it keeps coming. First, I try something that worked before. Then, I try something...

Was it Somebody or Nobody?
If you live with children, you also live with two other mysterious people — Somebody and Nobody. Somebody always did it and Nobody ever...

Who's Responsible for this Emotion?
With her tongue in her check, she said, “Oh, I don’t need any more emotional maturity — in fact, I probably need to turn it down a...

6 Steps to Short Sheet Anxiety
Short sheeting the bed is a favorite pastime of my extended family. Any family reunion is a guarantee someone’s bed will be short...

Failure Can Be the Best Option
In the middle of this stay-at-home order, I am attempting to do something I’ve never done before. It is frustrating. I’m not that good at...

Values Motivate Choices
Values motivate our choices. I value wisdom which means I own a library worth of books, spend a couple of hours a day reading, listening...

Overwhelm - Don't Choose It
This all feels so overwhelming — anxiety, fear, stress, the unknown — it feels like too much some times. If you are like me, you are...

5 Keys to Navigating Scary Times
His face looked like a marshmallow after the flames had been blown off of it. I stood by his hospital bed packing him in ice every few...

The Simple Solution for Your Stress
Stress simply comes from not accepting the current moment, according to Oprah. I know what you are thinking, “That can’t be true! Stress...

The Secret to an Extra $10,000
Recently, a financial advisor friend of mine posted this question: What does it take to waste $10,000 a year? What ever the answer was I...

4 Questions to Overcome Obstacles
I met with a coach today who took me through her annual preparation for the new year. There were six steps, third step — dreaming, fourth...

She did it Afraid
Ida B Wells, an investigative journalist, born in Holly Springs, Mississippi on July 16, 1862, was the first of eight children. She was...

Someone Else's Daughter
She was 11 years old when her parents put her on a train and sent her to another country. She never returned. After World War I, food was...

Accept the Worst
I am a huge Olympic fan, or maybe an Olympic junkie. I absolutely love watching the athletes experience “the thrill of victory and the...
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